Tag Archives: cognates

Curating Cognates

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Increase their vocabulary and ability to stay in the target language by using cognates.  One of my first lessons is a presentation that starts out with the challenge that they will learn 100 words in one day.

A cognate is a word that is practically the same in two languages and has the same meaning.  I hand out this piece of paper numbered from 1 to 100 with spaces for them to write cognates in the target language.  I then present this slide show in French or Spanish while I call on students randomly with my index cards to translate the sentences into English.  After the presentation students go the the class library to look through the books and magazines for more cognates to add to their lists.  This allows them to select cognates that they want to learn.

As a follow up activity, students pick one word to write on a card and illustrate the meaning.  I cut up old manila folders and have them each make one for homework.  We then group the words and come up with category titles like animals, professions, hobbies, food and display them in the hallway for parent night and then later in the room to enhance our vocabulary.  Here are a few my French and Spanish students made.

Students can use the lists of words to create original sentences with the cognates.  Have students go to sparkadobe.com to create for free.

and a few in French…



Have students post their sentence creations to a Padlet for everyone to enjoy.  This also makes a great substitute plan. Post the letters of the alphabet around the room and have students curate cognates under each letter of the alphabet.  How do you teach students to look for cognates?  Share your ideas here.