Daily Archives: February 4, 2017

The Global Goals!

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I just discovered The Global Goals website and I am over the moon excited about the 17 goals and the authentic resources available in many languages.


On the website you can click on any of these 17 goals and change the language in the right hand corner to access resources on the subject in the target language of your choice!

The Global Goals

I was looking for reasons why all students could not attend school and was excited to discover these resources in French and Spanish and many other languages.12-Pourquoi-y-a-t-il-encore-tant-d’enfants-qui-ne-vont-pas-à-l’école and 12-Quality-Education-for-all_Español


Getting every child to school is one of the seventeen global goals. Having my students realize that not all students can go to school, and why, is my local goal. My students don’t realize that some kids have to stay home to help take care of siblings and collect water, others have to go to work to help support their family, some live too far from the nearest school, others can’t afford to pay for school fees or buy a uniform, and for others it is because of war.


I am going to use these with my novice level students so I created these presentations to build background knowledge and vocabulary.  ESCUELA for Spanish and L’école… for French.  There are resources from Donna Clementi and Laura Terrill on the ACTFL website for a unit on why can’t all children go to school.  Catherine Ousselin has curated lots of resources on her website on the obstacles some children face to go to school.

girls in school