Tpep Criterion #5: Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment.

Criterion number five is: Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment.

The teacher fosters and manages a safe and inclusive learning environment that takes into account: physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being.

This can best be done by examining your routines and procedures.  Check out some of my ideas in this article Using Routines to Maximize Language Acquisition.  Instructional time is maximized because of efficient classroom routines and procedures.  To score a four, students should contribute to the management of instructional groups and transitions and the handling of materials and supplies. In addition, opening and closing routines are well understood and may be initiated by students.

no ingles

Other routines to consider: turning in papers, getting make up work, what do you do when you are done?

make up work

I like this idea I found on Pinterest.  Thinking about making this in French and Spanish.

make up board

Use several methods to form groups so that no student feels left out. Seating charts, partner maps, index cards or other randomization devices help mix it up and manage behavior.  Change groups and partners often so that all students have an opportunity to work together and get to know each other.  Check out the No Yell Bell at for easily regaining attention.

Discipline with dignity.  Management of behavior is subtle and preventative. I like to carry a clipboard and note behavior and productivity on my seating charts.  As soon as they see me pick up my clipboard and start walking around they become more engaged.  Most the time I don’t even need to write anything down, I call this The Clipboard Stroll.

Check out assigning classroom jobs for students from Ben Slavic’s website.  How do you foster and manage a safe learning environment?  Add your ideas here please!

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