Category Archives: Environment

From The Giving Tree to Environmental Service Projects

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arbol generoso

              Earth Day is Friday, April 22nd, 2016!

In honor of Earth Day, read The Giving Tree aloud to your students.  If you can’t find the book in your language use the English version and cover up the words with post-it notes and write the language yourself.  Or, use the English version of the video, mute the sound, and tell the story in your target language.arbre






Here’s the story in Spanish, TheGivingTree.  Here it is in French, and English TheGivingTreePoem.  Here is an activity to practice question answer relationships (QAR) in French and Spanish around The Giving Tree and to start students thinking about the environment.  L’Arbre Généreux and  El Árbol Generoso.


cut trees

sauve les arbres

Some Useful websites:  and

My students will be making Public Service Announcements in French and Spanish.  These will play in the cafeteria during lunches for all students to see. I am thinking about using Google slides, sharing the document with the class, and having each student make one slide with a tip to save the environment.  Stay tuned as I start a series of post in April on saving water, saving energy, and saving the planet!

arbolesGo plant a tree!  Here are some images to inspire discussion.  Here is a padlet of memes my students made.